Class example::SpecialBird

Class List > example > SpecialBird

  • #include <special_bird.h>

Inherits the following classes: example::Bird

Public Types inherited from example::Animal

See example::Animal

Type Name
typedef std::pair< Animal *, Animal * > Parents
enum Type
The 6 classes of animal kingdom.

Public Functions

Type Name
SpecialBird (const std::string & name, SpecialBird * mother=nullptr, SpecialBird * father=nullptr)
SpecialBird (const SpecialBird & other) = delete
SpecialBird (SpecialBird && SpecialBird) noexcept
void do_something_special ()
SpecialBird & operator= (const SpecialBird & other) = delete
SpecialBird & operator= (SpecialBird && other) noexcept
void swap (SpecialBird & other) noexcept
~SpecialBird () = default

Public Functions inherited from example::Bird

See example::Bird

Type Name
Bird (const std::string & name, Bird * mother=nullptr, Bird * father=nullptr)
Bird (const Bird & other) = delete
Bird (Bird && Bird) noexcept
virtual void make_sound () override
virtual void move () override
Bird & operator= (const Bird & other) = delete
Deleted copy operator.
Bird & operator= (Bird && other) noexcept
Move operator.
void swap (Bird & other) noexcept
~Bird () = default

Public Functions inherited from example::Animal

See example::Animal

Type Name
Animal (Type type, const std::string & name, Animal * mother=nullptr, Animal * father=nullptr)
The main constructor.
Animal (const Animal & other) = delete
Animal (Animal && animal) noexcept
const std::string & get_name () const
Get the name of the animal.
virtual int get_num_of_eyes () override const
Returns the number of eyes.
virtual int get_num_of_limbs () override const
Returns the number of limbs.
Parents get_parents () const
virtual bool has_tail () override const
Returns true if the animal has a tail.
virtual void make_sound () = 0
virtual void move ()
operator bool () const
Returns true if this is an valid animal.
Animal & operator= (const Animal & other) = delete
Deleted copy operator.
Animal & operator= (Animal && other) noexcept
Move operator.
void some_inline_member_function (Animal * animal)
Lorem Ipsum.
void swap (Animal & other) noexcept
virtual ~Animal () = default

Public Functions inherited from example::AnimalInterface

See example::AnimalInterface

Type Name
virtual int get_num_of_eyes () const = 0
Returns the number of eyes.
virtual int get_num_of_limbs () const = 0
Returns the number of limbs.
virtual bool has_tail () const = 0
Returns true if the animal has a tail.

Public Static Functions inherited from example::Animal

See example::Animal

Type Name
Animal * find_child_by_name (Animal * parent)
Animal * find_parent_by_name (Animal * child)

Protected Attributes inherited from example::Animal

See example::Animal

Type Name
Animal * father
The pointer to the father.
Animal * mother
The pointer to the mother.
std::string name

Public Functions Documentation

function SpecialBird [1/3]

example::SpecialBird::SpecialBird (
    const std::string & name,
    SpecialBird * mother=nullptr,
    SpecialBird * father=nullptr

function SpecialBird [2/3]

example::SpecialBird::SpecialBird (
    const SpecialBird & other
) = delete

function SpecialBird [3/3]

example::SpecialBird::SpecialBird (
    SpecialBird && SpecialBird
) noexcept

function do_something_special

void example::SpecialBird::do_something_special () 

function operator=

SpecialBird & example::SpecialBird::operator= (
    const SpecialBird & other
) = delete

function operator=

SpecialBird & example::SpecialBird::operator= (
    SpecialBird && other
) noexcept

function swap

void example::SpecialBird::swap (
    SpecialBird & other
) noexcept

function ~SpecialBird

example::SpecialBird::~SpecialBird () = default

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/special_bird.h