# Namespace example

Class List > example

# Namespaces

Type Name
namespace inner_namespace

# Classes

Type Name
class Animal
Base class for all animals from which Bird derives.
interface AnimalInterface
class Bird
class CustomException
class NumericException
class SpecialBird

# Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::function< void *(Animal *)> Callback
Animal callback function definition.
enum CallbackType
Different types of an Animal callback events.

# Public Functions

Type Name
void some_namespace_function (Animal * animal)
Some random namespace function that modifies Animal .

# Public Types Documentation

# typedef Callback

typedef std::function<void*(Animal*)> example::Callback;

# enum CallbackType

enum example::CallbackType {
    NONE = 0,

# Public Functions Documentation

# function some_namespace_function

void example::some_namespace_function (
    Animal * animal

See also: Animal


  • animal The pointer to the animal instance

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/animal.h