class ffw::ImageReader

Class List > ffw :: ImageReader

Inherits the following classes: ffw::ImageFormat

Inherited by the following classes: ffw::BmpLoader, ffw::DdsLoader, ffw::JpgLoader, ffw::PbmLoader, ffw::PngLoader, ffw::TgaLoader, ffw::TifLoader

Protected Attributes

Type Name
bool loaded
int row
int mipmapOffset
int mipmaps

Public Functions

Type Name
ImageReader ()
virtual ~ImageReader ()
virtual void close () = 0
Closes the file and frees the resources.
virtual size_t readRow (void * dest) = 0
Reads a row of pixels.
virtual bool getMipMap (int level)
bool readAll (void * dest)
Reads the entire image into a single array.
bool readAll (ffw::ImageBuffer & image)
Reads the entire image into an image buffer.
bool eof () const
operator bool () const
Same as isOpen()
int getRowOffset () const
Returns the number of rows already read.
bool isOpen () const
Returns true if the image file is open and ready for reading.
int getNumOfMipMaps () const
Returns the number of mipmaps the image contains.
int getMipMapOffset () const
Returns the number of mipmaps already read.
size_t getAllocationSize () const
Returns the number of bytes needed to allocate an array of pixels.

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable loaded

bool ffw::ImageReader::loaded;

variable row

int ffw::ImageReader::row;

variable mipmapOffset

int ffw::ImageReader::mipmapOffset;

variable mipmaps

int ffw::ImageReader::mipmaps;

Public Functions Documentation

function ImageReader

ffw::ImageReader::ImageReader ()

function ~ImageReader

virtual ffw::ImageReader::~ImageReader ()

function close

virtual void ffw::ImageReader::close () = 0

Closes the file and frees the resources.

function readRow

virtual size_t ffw::ImageReader::readRow (
    void * dest
) = 0

Reads a row of pixels.


  • dest The destination where to write the pixels


The dest parameter must be large enough to contain all pixels of a single row. Use reader->getStrideSize() to determine the size of the row in number of bytes.

See also:

function getMipMap

virtual bool ffw::ImageReader::getMipMap (
    int level

function readAll (1/2)

bool ffw::ImageReader::readAll (
    void * dest

Reads the entire image into a single array.


  • dest The destination where to write the pixels

The dest parameter must be large enough to contain all pixels. Use reader->getStrideSize() multiplied by reader->getHeight() to get the number of bytes needed for the destination array.

function readAll (2/2)

bool ffw::ImageReader::readAll (
    ffw::ImageBuffer & image

Reads the entire image into an image buffer.

function eof

bool ffw::ImageReader::eof () const

function operator bool

ffw::ImageReader::operator bool () const

Same as isOpen()

function getRowOffset

int ffw::ImageReader::getRowOffset () const

Returns the number of rows already read.

function isOpen

bool ffw::ImageReader::isOpen () const

Returns true if the image file is open and ready for reading.

function getNumOfMipMaps

int ffw::ImageReader::getNumOfMipMaps () const

Returns the number of mipmaps the image contains.

This is usually exactly one unless you are reading a DDS file.

function getMipMapOffset

int ffw::ImageReader::getMipMapOffset () const

Returns the number of mipmaps already read.

function getAllocationSize

size_t ffw::ImageReader::getAllocationSize () const

Returns the number of bytes needed to allocate an array of pixels.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/media/imageloader.h