Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- namespace ssq
- class Array Squirrel intance of array object.
- class Class Squirrel class object.
- struct Ctor Constructor helper class.
- struct Ctor< T(Args...)>
- class CompileException Compile exception thrown during compilation.
- class Enum Squirrel table object.
- class Exception Raw exception.
- class Function Squirrel function.
- class Instance Squirrel intance of class object.
- class Libs
- class NotFoundException Not Found exception thrown if object with a given name does not exist.
- class Object Raw Squirrel object.
- class RuntimeException Runtime exception thrown if something went wrong during execution.
- class Script Squirrel script object.
- class SqWeakRef Weak reference class that does not extend the life of the instance.
- class Table Squirrel table object.
- class TypeException Type exception thrown if casting between squirrel and C++ objects failed.
- class VM Squirrel Virtual Machine object.