class ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute

Class List > ffw :: GuiStyle :: Attribute

Public Attributes

Type Name
T val

Public Functions

Type Name
Attribute ()
Attribute (T v)
Attribute (T top, T right, T bottom, T left)
Attribute (const Attribute & other)
Attribute (const std::initializer_list< float > & list)
Attribute & operator= (const T & value)
T & operator[] (size_t i)
const T & operator[] (size_t i) const
bool operator== (const Attribute & other) const
bool operator!= (const Attribute & other) const


Type Name
friend std::ostream & operator<<

Public Attributes Documentation

variable val

T ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute< T >::val[4];

Public Functions Documentation

function Attribute (1/5)

ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::Attribute ()

function Attribute (2/5)

ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::Attribute (
    T v

function Attribute (3/5)

ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::Attribute (
    T top,
    T right,
    T bottom,
    T left

function Attribute (4/5)

ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::Attribute (
    const Attribute & other

function Attribute (5/5)

ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::Attribute (
    const std::initializer_list< float > & list

function operator=

Attribute & ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::operator= (
    const T & value

function operator[] (1/2)

T & ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::operator[] (
    size_t i

function operator[] (2/2)

const T & ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::operator[] (
    size_t i
) const

function operator==

bool ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::operator== (
    const Attribute & other
) const

function operator!=

bool ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::operator!= (
    const Attribute & other
) const

Friends Documentation

friend operator<<

friend std::ostream & ffw::GuiStyle::Attribute::operator<< (
    std::ostream & os,
    const Attribute & a

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guistyle.h