namespace ffw

Class List > ffw


Type Name
struct Color
class GuiBackend
class GuiBody
class GuiBox
class GuiButton
class GuiButtonPrimary
class GuiButtonToggle
class GuiButtonTogglePrimary
struct GuiCallback
class GuiCheckbox
class GuiDefaults
class GuiDummy
class GuiEvent
class GuiFixedLayout
class GuiFont
class GuiFontFineGraphics
class GuiFontNanoVG
class GuiHorizontalLayout
class GuiImage
class GuiImageFineGraphics
class GuiImageNanoVG
class GuiImageViewer
class GuiLabel
class GuiLayout
class GuiList
class GuiProgressBar
class GuiProgressCircle
class GuiRadio
class GuiScrollable
class GuiScrollableLayout
class GuiScrollableTextInput
class GuiScrollBar
class GuiSlider
class GuiStyle
class GuiSwitch
class GuiTabs
class GuiText
class GuiTextInput
class GuiTextWrapper
class GuiTheme
class GuiThemeFlatDark
class GuiThemeFlatLight
class GuiThemeSimpleDark
class GuiThemeSimpleLight
class GuiUnits
class GuiUnits2D
class GuiUserInput
class GuiVerticalLayout
class GuiWidget
class GuiWindow
class GuiWindowFineGraphics
class GuiWindowNanoVG
class GuiXmlException
class GuiXmlNotFound
class GuiXmlParser
struct Point
struct Rect


Type Name
enum MouseButton { LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1, MIDDLE = 2, EXTRA1 = 3, EXTRA2 = 4 }
enum MouseMode { RELEASED = 0, PRESSED = 1, NONE = -1 }
enum KeyMode { RELEASED = 0, PRESSED = 1, REPEAT = 2, NONE = -1 }
enum Key { UNKNOWN = -1, SPACE = 32, APOSTROPHE = 39, COMMA = 44, MINUS = 45, PERIOD = 46, SLASH = 47, NUM_0 = 48, NUM_1 = 49, NUM_2 = 50, NUM_3 = 51, NUM_4 = 52, NUM_5 = 53, NUM_6 = 54, NUM_7 = 55, NUM_8 = 56, NUM_9 = 57, SEMICOLON = 59, EQUAL = 61, LETTER_A = 65, LETTER_B = 66, LETTER_C = 67, LETTER_D = 68, LETTER_E = 69, LETTER_F = 70, LETTER_G = 71, LETTER_H = 72, LETTER_I = 73, LETTER_J = 74, LETTER_K = 75, LETTER_L = 76, LETTER_M = 77, LETTER_N = 78, LETTER_O = 79, LETTER_P = 80, LETTER_Q = 81, LETTER_R = 82, LETTER_S = 83, LETTER_T = 84, LETTER_U = 85, LETTER_V = 86, LETTER_W = 87, LETTER_X = 88, LETTER_Y = 89, LETTER_Z = 90, BRACKETLEFT = 91, BACKSLASH = 92, BRACKETRIGHT = 93, GRAVEACCENT = 96, WORLD_1 = 161, WORLD_2 = 162, ESCAPE = 256, ENTER = 257, TAB = 258, BACKSPACE = 259, FUNCTION_INSERT = 260, FUNCTION_DELETE = 261, ARROW_RIGHT = 262, ARROW_LEFT = 263, ARROW_DOWN = 264, ARROW_UP = 265, FUNCTION_PAGEUP = 266, FUNCTION_PAGEDOWN = 267, FUNCTION_HOME = 268, FUNCTION_END = 269, FUNCTION_CAPSLOCK = 280, FUNCTION_SCROLLLOCK = 281, FUNCTION_NUMLOCK = 282, FUNCTION_PRINTSCREEN = 283, FUNCTION_PAUSE = 284, FUNCTION_F1 = 290, FUNCTION_F2 = 291, FUNCTION_F3 = 292, FUNCTION_F4 = 293, FUNCTION_F5 = 294, FUNCTION_F6 = 295, FUNCTION_F7 = 296, FUNCTION_F8 = 297, FUNCTION_F9 = 298, FUNCTION_F10 = 299, FUNCTION_F11 = 300, FUNCTION_F12 = 301, FUNCTION_F13 = 302, FUNCTION_F14 = 303, FUNCTION_F15 = 304, FUNCTION_F16 = 305, FUNCTION_F17 = 306, FUNCTION_F18 = 307, FUNCTION_F19 = 308, FUNCTION_F20 = 309, FUNCTION_F21 = 310, FUNCTION_F22 = 311, FUNCTION_F23 = 312, FUNCTION_F24 = 313, FUNCTION_F25 = 314, NUMPAD_0 = 320, NUMPAD_1 = 321, NUMPAD_2 = 322, NUMPAD_3 = 323, NUMPAD_4 = 324, NUMPAD_5 = 325, NUMPAD_6 = 326, NUMPAD_7 = 327, NUMPAD_8 = 328, NUMPAD_9 = 329, NUMPAD_DECIMAL = 330, NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 331, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 332, NUMPAD_SUBSTRACT = 333, NUMPAD_ADD = 334, NUMPAD_ENTER = 335, NUMPAD_EQUAL = 336, SHIFT_LEFT = 340, CONTROL_LEFT = 341, ALT_LEFT = 342, SUPER_LEFT = 343, SHIFT_RIGHT = 344, CONTROL_RIGHT = 345, ALT_RIGHT = 346, SUPER_RIGHT = 347, FUNCTION_MENU = 348, FUNCTION_LAST = 348, FUNCTION_CLEAR = 348, FUNCTION_SEPARATOR = 349, FUNCTION_SELECT = 350, FUNCTION_ZOOM = 351, BROWSER_BACK = 352, BROWSER_FAVORITES = 353, BROWSER_FORWARD = 354, BROWSER_HOME = 353, BROWSER_REFRESH = 354, BROWSER_SEARCH = 355, BROWSER_STOP = 356, MEDIA_MUTE = 357, MEDIA_VOLUMEDOWN = 358, MEDIA_VOLUMEUP = 359, MEDIA_NEXT = 360, MEDIA_PREV = 361, MEDIA_STOP = 362, MEDIA_PLAY = 363, MEDIA_MAIL = 364, MEDIA_SELECT = 365, MEDIA_APP1 = 366, MEDIA_APP2 = 367 }
enum GuiEventType { ACTION = 0x1, SIZE = 0x10, INNER = 0x20, POSITION = 0x40, HOVER = 0x80, FOCUS = 0x100, STATE = 0x200, INPUT = 0x400, KEY = 0x800, MOUSEBTN = 0x1000, ALL = 0x7FFFFFFF }
enum GuiFocusType { DEFAULT = 0, STICKY, DROP, TOGGLE }
enum GuiOrientation { FIXED, VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL }


Type Name
typedef Point< float > Pointf
typedef Point< int > Pointi
typedef Point< double > Pointd
typedef Rect< float > Rectf
typedef Rect< int > Recti
typedef Rect< double > Rectd


Type Name
Color rgb (unsigned long hex)
Constructs ffw::Color from a hexadecimal value.
Color rgb (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
Constructs ffw::Color from three 8-bit balues.
Color rgba (unsigned long hex)
Constructs ffw::Color from a hexadecimal value with alpha.
Color rgba (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
Constructs ffw::Color from three 8-bit balues with alpha.
Color hsl (const float h, const float s, const float l, const float a = 1.0f)
Constructs ffw::Color from HSL values.
Color hsv (const float h, const float s, const float v, const float a = 1.0f)
Constructs ffw::Color from HSV values.
ffw::Color normalize (const Color & col)
Normalizes a color returning a copy (won't modify the original)
ffw::Color clamp (const ffw::Color & color)
Clamps a color between 0.0 and 1.0 values returning a copy (won't modify the original)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const ffw::Color & color)
bool operator== (float left, const GuiUnits & right)
bool operator!= (float left, const GuiUnits & right)
GuiUnits guiPixels (float pixels)
GuiUnits guiPercent (float percent)
GuiUnits guiWrap ()
T dot (const ffw::Point< T > & v1, const ffw::Point< T > & v2)
T distance (const Point< T > & v1, const Point< T > & v2)
Point< T > middle (const Point< T > & v1, const Point< T > & v2)
ffw::Point< T > normalize (const Point< T > & vec)
double angle (const ffw::Point< T > & v1, const ffw::Point< T > & v2)
double angleRad (const ffw::Point< T > & v1, const ffw::Point< T > & v2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const ffw::Point< T > & vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const ffw::Rect< T > & rect)

Enums Documentation

enum MouseButton

enum ffw::MouseButton {
    LEFT = 0,
    RIGHT = 1,
    MIDDLE = 2,
    EXTRA1 = 3,
    EXTRA2 = 4,

enum MouseMode

enum ffw::MouseMode {
    RELEASED = 0,
    PRESSED = 1,
    NONE = -1,

enum KeyMode

enum ffw::KeyMode {
    RELEASED = 0,
    PRESSED = 1,
    REPEAT = 2,
    NONE = -1,

enum Key

enum ffw::Key {
    UNKNOWN = -1,
    SPACE = 32,
    APOSTROPHE = 39,
    COMMA = 44,
    MINUS = 45,
    PERIOD = 46,
    SLASH = 47,
    NUM_0 = 48,
    NUM_1 = 49,
    NUM_2 = 50,
    NUM_3 = 51,
    NUM_4 = 52,
    NUM_5 = 53,
    NUM_6 = 54,
    NUM_7 = 55,
    NUM_8 = 56,
    NUM_9 = 57,
    SEMICOLON = 59,
    EQUAL = 61,
    LETTER_A = 65,
    LETTER_B = 66,
    LETTER_C = 67,
    LETTER_D = 68,
    LETTER_E = 69,
    LETTER_F = 70,
    LETTER_G = 71,
    LETTER_H = 72,
    LETTER_I = 73,
    LETTER_J = 74,
    LETTER_K = 75,
    LETTER_L = 76,
    LETTER_M = 77,
    LETTER_N = 78,
    LETTER_O = 79,
    LETTER_P = 80,
    LETTER_Q = 81,
    LETTER_R = 82,
    LETTER_S = 83,
    LETTER_T = 84,
    LETTER_U = 85,
    LETTER_V = 86,
    LETTER_W = 87,
    LETTER_X = 88,
    LETTER_Y = 89,
    LETTER_Z = 90,
    BACKSLASH = 92,
    WORLD_1 = 161,
    WORLD_2 = 162,
    ESCAPE = 256,
    ENTER = 257,
    TAB = 258,
    BACKSPACE = 259,
    ARROW_RIGHT = 262,
    ARROW_LEFT = 263,
    ARROW_DOWN = 264,
    ARROW_UP = 265,
    FUNCTION_HOME = 268,
    FUNCTION_END = 269,
    FUNCTION_F1 = 290,
    FUNCTION_F2 = 291,
    FUNCTION_F3 = 292,
    FUNCTION_F4 = 293,
    FUNCTION_F5 = 294,
    FUNCTION_F6 = 295,
    FUNCTION_F7 = 296,
    FUNCTION_F8 = 297,
    FUNCTION_F9 = 298,
    FUNCTION_F10 = 299,
    FUNCTION_F11 = 300,
    FUNCTION_F12 = 301,
    FUNCTION_F13 = 302,
    FUNCTION_F14 = 303,
    FUNCTION_F15 = 304,
    FUNCTION_F16 = 305,
    FUNCTION_F17 = 306,
    FUNCTION_F18 = 307,
    FUNCTION_F19 = 308,
    FUNCTION_F20 = 309,
    FUNCTION_F21 = 310,
    FUNCTION_F22 = 311,
    FUNCTION_F23 = 312,
    FUNCTION_F24 = 313,
    FUNCTION_F25 = 314,
    NUMPAD_0 = 320,
    NUMPAD_1 = 321,
    NUMPAD_2 = 322,
    NUMPAD_3 = 323,
    NUMPAD_4 = 324,
    NUMPAD_5 = 325,
    NUMPAD_6 = 326,
    NUMPAD_7 = 327,
    NUMPAD_8 = 328,
    NUMPAD_9 = 329,
    NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 331,
    NUMPAD_ADD = 334,
    NUMPAD_ENTER = 335,
    NUMPAD_EQUAL = 336,
    SHIFT_LEFT = 340,
    CONTROL_LEFT = 341,
    ALT_LEFT = 342,
    SUPER_LEFT = 343,
    SHIFT_RIGHT = 344,
    CONTROL_RIGHT = 345,
    ALT_RIGHT = 346,
    SUPER_RIGHT = 347,
    FUNCTION_MENU = 348,
    FUNCTION_LAST = 348,
    FUNCTION_ZOOM = 351,
    BROWSER_BACK = 352,
    BROWSER_HOME = 353,
    BROWSER_STOP = 356,
    MEDIA_MUTE = 357,
    MEDIA_NEXT = 360,
    MEDIA_PREV = 361,
    MEDIA_STOP = 362,
    MEDIA_PLAY = 363,
    MEDIA_MAIL = 364,
    MEDIA_SELECT = 365,
    MEDIA_APP1 = 366,
    MEDIA_APP2 = 367,

enum GuiAlign

enum ffw::GuiAlign {
    LEFT = 0,

enum GuiEventType

enum ffw::GuiEventType {
    ACTION = 0x1,
    SIZE = 0x10,
    INNER = 0x20,
    POSITION = 0x40,
    HOVER = 0x80,
    FOCUS = 0x100,
    STATE = 0x200,
    INPUT = 0x400,
    KEY = 0x800,
    MOUSEBTN = 0x1000,
    ALL = 0x7FFFFFFF,

enum GuiFocusType

enum ffw::GuiFocusType {
    DEFAULT = 0,

enum GuiOrientation

enum ffw::GuiOrientation {

Typedefs Documentation

typedef Pointf

typedef Point<float> ffw::Pointf;

typedef Pointi

typedef Point<int> ffw::Pointi;

typedef Pointd

typedef Point<double> ffw::Pointd;

typedef Rectf

typedef Rect<float> ffw::Rectf;

typedef Recti

typedef Rect<int> ffw::Recti;

typedef Rectd

typedef Rect<double> ffw::Rectd;

Functions Documentation

function rgb

Color ffw::rgb (
    unsigned long hex

Constructs ffw::Color from a hexadecimal value.

For example, ffw::rgb(0xFF0080) returns 100% red and 50% blue. Alpha is set to 100%.


Make sure to use 0xRRGGBB formula. For example, using 0xFF00 in this function would result of color with 0% red, 100% green, and 0% blue. Also, using 0xFF would result in complete blue color.

function rgb

Color ffw::rgb (
    unsigned char r,
    unsigned char g,
    unsigned char b

Constructs ffw::Color from three 8-bit balues.

For example, ffw::rgb(255, 0, 128) returns 100% red and 50% blue. Alpha is set to 100%.

function rgba

Color ffw::rgba (
    unsigned long hex

Constructs ffw::Color from a hexadecimal value with alpha.

For example, ffw::rgba(0xFF0080BF) returns 100% red, 50% blue, and 80% alpha.


Make sure to use 0xRRGGBBAA formula. For example, using 0xFF0080 in this function would result of color with 0% red, 100% green, 0% blue, and 50% alpha. Also, using 0xFF would result in complete black color with 100% alpha.

function rgba

Color ffw::rgba (
    unsigned char r,
    unsigned char g,
    unsigned char b,
    unsigned char a

Constructs ffw::Color from three 8-bit balues with alpha.

For example, ffw::rgba(255, 0, 128, 191) returns 100% red, 50% blue, and 80% alpha.

function hsl

Color ffw::hsl (
    const float h,
    const float s,
    const float l,
    const float a = 1.0f

Constructs ffw::Color from HSL values.


  • h The hue component in range [0, 1]
  • s The saturation component in range [0, 1]
  • l The luminance component in range [0, 1]
  • a The alpha component in range [0, 1]

For example, ffw::hsl(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f) returns purple color with 50% saturation and 50% luminance.

function hsv

Color ffw::hsv (
    const float h,
    const float s,
    const float v,
    const float a = 1.0f

Constructs ffw::Color from HSV values.


  • h The hue component in range [0, 1]
  • s The saturation component in range [0, 1]
  • v The value component in range [0, 1]
  • a The alpha component in range [0, 1]

function normalize

ffw::Color ffw::normalize (
    const Color & col

Normalizes a color returning a copy (won't modify the original)

function clamp

ffw::Color ffw::clamp (
    const ffw::Color & color

Clamps a color between 0.0 and 1.0 values returning a copy (won't modify the original)

function operator<<

std::ostream & ffw::operator<< (
    std::ostream & os,
    const ffw::Color & color

function operator==

bool ffw::operator== (
    float left,
    const GuiUnits & right

function operator!=

bool ffw::operator!= (
    float left,
    const GuiUnits & right

function guiPixels

GuiUnits ffw::guiPixels (
    float pixels

function guiPercent

GuiUnits ffw::guiPercent (
    float percent

function guiWrap

GuiUnits ffw::guiWrap ()

function dot

T ffw::dot (
    const ffw::Point< T > & v1,
    const ffw::Point< T > & v2

function distance

T ffw::distance (
    const Point< T > & v1,
    const Point< T > & v2

function middle

Point< T > ffw::middle (
    const Point< T > & v1,
    const Point< T > & v2

function normalize

ffw::Point< T > ffw::normalize (
    const Point< T > & vec

function angle

double ffw::angle (
    const ffw::Point< T > & v1,
    const ffw::Point< T > & v2

function angleRad

double ffw::angleRad (
    const ffw::Point< T > & v1,
    const ffw::Point< T > & v2

function operator<<

std::ostream & ffw::operator<< (
    std::ostream & os,
    const ffw::Point< T > & vec

function operator<<

std::ostream & ffw::operator<< (
    std::ostream & os,
    const ffw::Rect< T > & rect

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/backend/guibackendfinegraphics.h