class ffw::GuiUserInput

Class List > ffw :: GuiUserInput

Public Attributes

Type Name
ffw::MouseButton mousebtn
ffw::MouseMode mousemode
unsigned int chr
ffw::Key key
ffw::KeyMode keymode
ffw::Pointf scroll

Public Attributes Documentation

variable mousebtn

ffw::MouseButton ffw::GuiUserInput::mousebtn;

variable mousemode

ffw::MouseMode ffw::GuiUserInput::mousemode;

variable chr

unsigned int ffw::GuiUserInput::chr;

variable key

ffw::Key ffw::GuiUserInput::key;

variable keymode

ffw::KeyMode ffw::GuiUserInput::keymode;

variable scroll

ffw::Pointf ffw::GuiUserInput::scroll;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guiwidget.h