struct ffw::Color

Class List > ffw :: Color

Class that holds floating point color, OpenGL friendly. More...

Public Attributes

Type Name
float r
float g
float b
float a

Public Functions

Type Name
Color ()
Default constructor, sets color to black with 0% alpha.
Color (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
Construcor, sets the color based on the parameters.
Color (float val, float alpha)
Constructor, sets the color to grayscale with alpha.
Color (const Color & vec)
Copy Constructor.
Color (const std::initializer_list< float > & list)
Construcor, sets the color from braced list of 4 floating point values.
void set (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
Sets the color.
void set (float val, float alpha)
Sets the color.
void set (const Color & vec)
Sets the color from another color class.
void set (const std::initializer_list< float > & list)
Sets the color from a braced list of 4 floating point values.
ffw::Color operator- () const
Performs unary minus operation on all r,g,b,a channels.
ffw::Color & operator= (const Color & vec)
Copies values from different color instance.
ffw::Color operator+ (const Color & vec) const
Adds together two colors, returning a copy.
ffw::Color & operator+= (const Color & vec)
Adds together two colors.
ffw::Color operator- (const Color & vec) const
Substracts together two colors, returning a copy.
ffw::Color & operator-= (const Color & vec)
Substracts together two colors.
ffw::Color operator/ (const Color & vec) const
ffw::Color & operator/= (const Color & vec)
ffw::Color operator* (const Color & vec) const
ffw::Color & operator*= (const Color & vec)
ffw::Color & operator= (const float & val)
Assigns same value to all RGBA components.
ffw::Color operator+ (const float & val) const
Adds value to all RGBA components, returning a copy.
ffw::Color & operator+= (const float & val)
Adds value to all RGBA components.
ffw::Color operator- (const float & val) const
Substracts from all RGBA components, returning a copy.
ffw::Color & operator-= (const float & val)
Substracts from all RGBA components.
ffw::Color operator/ (const float & val) const
ffw::Color & operator/= (const float & val)
ffw::Color operator* (const float & val) const
ffw::Color & operator*= (const float & val)
bool operator!= (const Color & vec) const
Checks if this instance is not equal to other one, using epsilon.
bool operator== (const Color & vec) const
Checks if this instance is equal to other one, using epsilon.
ffw::Color & clamp ()
Clamps all RGBA components so that all values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
ffw::Color & normalize ()
Normalises a color.
ffw::Color & scale (const float val)
Scales all RGBA components with single value.
double length () const
Returns the length of a vector (color is treated as a vector)
float lengthf () const
Returns the length of a vector (color is treated as a vector)
float lengthSqrd () const
Returns the squared length of a vector (color is treated as a vector)
Color inverted () const
Returns the inverted R, G, and B components.

Detailed Description

You can use this class to represent any RGBA color and pass it to your OpenGL function. This class uses 4 floats to represent color combinations. For example, 100% red color is when r is set to 1.0f and all other (g, b, a) is set to 0.0. You can also use ffw::rgba function to construct this class with less typing

See also: ffw::rgb, ffw::rgba,

Public Attributes Documentation

variable r

float ffw::Color::r;

variable g

float ffw::Color::g;

variable b

float ffw::Color::b;

variable a

float ffw::Color::a;

Public Functions Documentation

function Color (1/5)

ffw::Color::Color ()

Default constructor, sets color to black with 0% alpha.

function Color (2/5)

ffw::Color::Color (
    float red,
    float green,
    float blue,
    float alpha

Construcor, sets the color based on the parameters.

function Color (3/5)

ffw::Color::Color (
    float val,
    float alpha

Constructor, sets the color to grayscale with alpha.

function Color (4/5)

ffw::Color::Color (
    const Color & vec

Copy Constructor.

function Color (5/5)

ffw::Color::Color (
    const std::initializer_list< float > & list

Construcor, sets the color from braced list of 4 floating point values.

function set (1/4)

void ffw::Color::set (
    float red,
    float green,
    float blue,
    float alpha

Sets the color.

function set (2/4)

void ffw::Color::set (
    float val,
    float alpha

Sets the color.

function set (3/4)

void ffw::Color::set (
    const Color & vec

Sets the color from another color class.

function set (4/4)

void ffw::Color::set (
    const std::initializer_list< float > & list

Sets the color from a braced list of 4 floating point values.

function operator- (1/3)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator- () const

Performs unary minus operation on all r,g,b,a channels.

function operator= (1/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator= (
    const Color & vec

Copies values from different color instance.

function operator+ (1/2)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator+ (
    const Color & vec
) const

Adds together two colors, returning a copy.

function operator+= (1/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator+= (
    const Color & vec

Adds together two colors.

function operator- (2/3)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator- (
    const Color & vec
) const

Substracts together two colors, returning a copy.

function operator-= (1/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator-= (
    const Color & vec

Substracts together two colors.

function operator/ (1/2)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator/ (
    const Color & vec
) const

function operator/= (1/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator/= (
    const Color & vec

function operator* (1/2)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator* (
    const Color & vec
) const

function operator*= (1/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator*= (
    const Color & vec

function operator= (2/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator= (
    const float & val

Assigns same value to all RGBA components.

function operator+ (2/2)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator+ (
    const float & val
) const

Adds value to all RGBA components, returning a copy.

function operator+= (2/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator+= (
    const float & val

Adds value to all RGBA components.

function operator- (3/3)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator- (
    const float & val
) const

Substracts from all RGBA components, returning a copy.

function operator-= (2/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator-= (
    const float & val

Substracts from all RGBA components.

function operator/ (2/2)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator/ (
    const float & val
) const

function operator/= (2/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator/= (
    const float & val

function operator* (2/2)

ffw::Color ffw::Color::operator* (
    const float & val
) const

function operator*= (2/2)

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::operator*= (
    const float & val

function operator!=

bool ffw::Color::operator!= (
    const Color & vec
) const

Checks if this instance is not equal to other one, using epsilon.

function operator==

bool ffw::Color::operator== (
    const Color & vec
) const

Checks if this instance is equal to other one, using epsilon.

function clamp

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::clamp ()

Clamps all RGBA components so that all values are between 0.0 and 1.0.


Does not perform a normalization!

function normalize

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::normalize ()

Normalises a color.


Color is treated as a 3D vector but alpha is ignored and clamped instead.

function scale

ffw::Color & ffw::Color::scale (
    const float val

Scales all RGBA components with single value.

function length

double ffw::Color::length () const

Returns the length of a vector (color is treated as a vector)

function lengthf

float ffw::Color::lengthf () const

Returns the length of a vector (color is treated as a vector)

function lengthSqrd

float ffw::Color::lengthSqrd () const

Returns the squared length of a vector (color is treated as a vector)

function inverted

Color ffw::Color::inverted () const

Returns the inverted R, G, and B components.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/color.h