struct ffw::GuiCallback

Class List > ffw :: GuiCallback

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::function< void(GuiEvent)> func
bool now
GuiEventType type

Public Static Functions

Type Name
static GuiCallback make (void(T:😗)(GuiEvent) memfuncptr, T * instance, GuiEventType type = GuiEventType::ALL, bool instant = false)
static GuiCallback make (const std::function< void(GuiEvent)> & function, GuiEventType type = GuiEventType::ALL, bool instant = false)
static GuiCallback make (const F & lambda, GuiEventType type = GuiEventType::ALL, bool instant = false)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable func

std::function<void(GuiEvent)> ffw::GuiCallback::func;

variable now

bool ffw::GuiCallback::now;

variable type

GuiEventType ffw::GuiCallback::type;

Public Static Functions Documentation

function make (1/3)

static GuiCallback ffw::GuiCallback::make (
    void(T::*)(GuiEvent) memfuncptr,
    T * instance,
    GuiEventType type = GuiEventType::ALL,
    bool instant = false

function make (2/3)

static GuiCallback ffw::GuiCallback::make (
    const std::function< void(GuiEvent)> & function,
    GuiEventType type = GuiEventType::ALL,
    bool instant = false

function make (3/3)

static GuiCallback ffw::GuiCallback::make (
    const F & lambda,
    GuiEventType type = GuiEventType::ALL,
    bool instant = false

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guiwidget.h