struct ffw::GuiTextWrapper::Token

Class List > ffw :: GuiTextWrapper :: Token

Public Attributes

Type Name
const T * str
size_t len
float width

Public Functions

Type Name
Token (const T * str, size_t len, float width)
Token ()
operator bool () const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable str

const T* ffw::GuiTextWrapper< T >::Token::str;

variable len

size_t ffw::GuiTextWrapper< T >::Token::len;

variable width

float ffw::GuiTextWrapper< T >::Token::width;

Public Functions Documentation

function Token (1/2)

ffw::GuiTextWrapper::Token::Token (
    const T * str,
    size_t len,
    float width

function Token (2/2)

ffw::GuiTextWrapper::Token::Token ()

function operator bool

ffw::GuiTextWrapper::Token::operator bool () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guitextwrapper.h