struct ffw::Rect

Class List > ffw :: Rect

Public Attributes

Type Name
T x
T y
T z
T w

Public Functions

Type Name
Rect ()
Rect (T compx, T compy, T compz, T compw)
Rect (T val)
Rect (const Rect< T > & vec)
Rect (const std::initializer_list< T > & list)
void set (T compx, T compy, T compz, T compw)
void set (T val)
void set (const Rect< T > & vec)
void set (const std::initializer_list< T > & list)
ffw::Rect< T > operator- () const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator= (const Rect< T > & vec)
ffw::Rect< T > operator+ (const Rect< T > & vec) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator+= (const Rect< T > & vec)
ffw::Rect< T > operator- (const Rect< T > & vec) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator-= (const Rect< T > & vec)
ffw::Rect< T > operator/ (const Rect< T > & vec) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator/= (const Rect< T > & vec)
ffw::Rect< T > operator* (const Rect< T > & vec) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator*= (const Rect< T > & vec)
ffw::Rect< T > & operator= (const T & val)
ffw::Rect< T > operator+ (const T & val) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator+= (const T & val)
ffw::Rect< T > operator- (const T & val) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator-= (const T & val)
ffw::Rect< T > operator/ (const T & val) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator/= (const T & val)
ffw::Rect< T > operator* (const T & val) const
ffw::Rect< T > & operator*= (const T & val)
bool operator!= (const Rect< T > & vec) const
bool operator== (const Rect< T > & vec) const
ffw::Rect< T > & normalize ()
ffw::Rect< T > & scale (const T val)
double length () const
float lengthf () const
T lengthSqrd () const
T & operator[] (size_t i)
const T & operator[] (size_t i) const
operator ffw::Rect< S > () const
Rect< T > round () const
Rect< T > floor () const
Rect< T > ceil () const
bool operator== (const Rect< float > & vec) const
bool operator== (const Rect< double > & vec) const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable x

T ffw::Rect< T >::x;

variable y

T ffw::Rect< T >::y;

variable z

T ffw::Rect< T >::z;

variable w

T ffw::Rect< T >::w;

Public Functions Documentation

function Rect (1/5)

ffw::Rect::Rect ()

function Rect (2/5)

ffw::Rect::Rect (
    T compx,
    T compy,
    T compz,
    T compw

function Rect (3/5)

ffw::Rect::Rect (
    T val

function Rect (4/5)

ffw::Rect::Rect (
    const Rect< T > & vec

function Rect (5/5)

ffw::Rect::Rect (
    const std::initializer_list< T > & list

function set (1/4)

void ffw::Rect::set (
    T compx,
    T compy,
    T compz,
    T compw

function set (2/4)

void ffw::Rect::set (
    T val

function set (3/4)

void ffw::Rect::set (
    const Rect< T > & vec

function set (4/4)

void ffw::Rect::set (
    const std::initializer_list< T > & list

function operator- (1/3)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator- () const

function operator= (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator= (
    const Rect< T > & vec

function operator+ (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator+ (
    const Rect< T > & vec
) const

function operator+= (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator+= (
    const Rect< T > & vec

function operator- (2/3)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator- (
    const Rect< T > & vec
) const

function operator-= (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator-= (
    const Rect< T > & vec

function operator/ (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator/ (
    const Rect< T > & vec
) const

function operator/= (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator/= (
    const Rect< T > & vec

function operator* (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator* (
    const Rect< T > & vec
) const

function operator*= (1/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator*= (
    const Rect< T > & vec

function operator= (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator= (
    const T & val

function operator+ (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator+ (
    const T & val
) const

function operator+= (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator+= (
    const T & val

function operator- (3/3)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator- (
    const T & val
) const

function operator-= (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator-= (
    const T & val

function operator/ (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator/ (
    const T & val
) const

function operator/= (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator/= (
    const T & val

function operator* (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > ffw::Rect::operator* (
    const T & val
) const

function operator*= (2/2)

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::operator*= (
    const T & val

function operator!=

bool ffw::Rect::operator!= (
    const Rect< T > & vec
) const

function operator== (1/3)

bool ffw::Rect::operator== (
    const Rect< T > & vec
) const

function normalize

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::normalize ()

function scale

ffw::Rect< T > & ffw::Rect::scale (
    const T val

function length

double ffw::Rect::length () const

function lengthf

float ffw::Rect::lengthf () const

function lengthSqrd

T ffw::Rect::lengthSqrd () const

function operator[] (1/2)

T & ffw::Rect::operator[] (
    size_t i

function operator[] (2/2)

const T & ffw::Rect::operator[] (
    size_t i
) const

function operator ffw::Rect< S >

ffw::Rect::operator ffw::Rect< S > () const

function round

Rect< T > ffw::Rect::round () const

function floor

Rect< T > ffw::Rect::floor () const

function ceil

Rect< T > ffw::Rect::ceil () const

function operator== (2/3)

bool ffw::Rect::operator== (
    const Rect< float > & vec
) const

function operator== (3/3)

bool ffw::Rect::operator== (
    const Rect< double > & vec
) const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/rect.h