class ffw::GuiScrollBar

Class List > ffw :: GuiScrollBar

Create a scroll bar widget. More...

Inherits the following classes: ffw::GuiWidget


Type Name
class ButtonBottom
class ButtonLeft
class ButtonRight
class ButtonTop
class Scroll
struct Style

Public Functions

Type Name
GuiScrollBar (GuiWindow * context, bool vertical)
virtual ~GuiScrollBar () = default
bool isVertical () const
GuiButton * getButtonFirst ()
const GuiButton * getButtonFirst () const
GuiButton * getButtonSecond ()
const GuiButton * getButtonSecond () const
GuiSlider * getSlider ()
const GuiSlider * getSlider () const
void setValue (const float val)
float getValue () const
const ffw::Pointf & getRange () const
void setRange (const float min, const float max)
void setInversed (const bool inversed)
bool getInversed () const
void setIncrements (float inc)
float getIncrements () const
void setButtonLength (GuiUnits length)
GuiUnits getButtonLength () const
virtual ffw::Pointf getMinimumWrapSize () override
void setStyle (const GuiScrollBar::Style * style, bool defaults = false)

Detailed Description

auto gui = ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG(nvg);
auto root = gui.getLayout();

// To make it vertical, change the second parameter to true
auto scrollbar = new ffw::GuiScrollBar(&gui, false);
scrollbar->setSize(ffw::guiPercent(100.0f), ffw::guiPixels(30.0f));
scrollbar->setRange(50.0f, 100.0f);
scrollbar->setIncrements(5.0f); // Affects the left and right buttons
scrollbar->setValue(75.0f); // The scroll button will be in the middle
auto value = scrollbar->getValue(); // Returns 75.0f
scrollbar->addEventCallback([](ffw::GuiEvent e) {
    // The value is between the 50.0 and 100.0 range
    std::cout << "Value changed: " << << std::endl;
}, ffw::GuiEventType::ACTION);

// Do not free the created widgets!
// They will be deleted by the gui window!

    // Render the gui

Public Functions Documentation

function GuiScrollBar

ffw::GuiScrollBar::GuiScrollBar (
    GuiWindow * context,
    bool vertical

function ~GuiScrollBar

virtual ffw::GuiScrollBar::~GuiScrollBar () = default

function isVertical

bool ffw::GuiScrollBar::isVertical () const

function getButtonFirst (1/2)

GuiButton * ffw::GuiScrollBar::getButtonFirst ()

function getButtonFirst (2/2)

const GuiButton * ffw::GuiScrollBar::getButtonFirst () const

function getButtonSecond (1/2)

GuiButton * ffw::GuiScrollBar::getButtonSecond ()

function getButtonSecond (2/2)

const GuiButton * ffw::GuiScrollBar::getButtonSecond () const

function getSlider (1/2)

GuiSlider * ffw::GuiScrollBar::getSlider ()

function getSlider (2/2)

const GuiSlider * ffw::GuiScrollBar::getSlider () const

function setValue

void ffw::GuiScrollBar::setValue (
    const float val

function getValue

float ffw::GuiScrollBar::getValue () const

function getRange

const ffw::Pointf & ffw::GuiScrollBar::getRange () const

function setRange

void ffw::GuiScrollBar::setRange (
    const float min,
    const float max

function setInversed

void ffw::GuiScrollBar::setInversed (
    const bool inversed

function getInversed

bool ffw::GuiScrollBar::getInversed () const

function setIncrements

void ffw::GuiScrollBar::setIncrements (
    float inc

function getIncrements

float ffw::GuiScrollBar::getIncrements () const

function setButtonLength

void ffw::GuiScrollBar::setButtonLength (
    GuiUnits length

function getButtonLength

GuiUnits ffw::GuiScrollBar::getButtonLength () const

function getMinimumWrapSize

virtual ffw::Pointf ffw::GuiScrollBar::getMinimumWrapSize ()

Implements GuiWidget::getMinimumWrapSize

function setStyle

void ffw::GuiScrollBar::setStyle (
    const GuiScrollBar::Style * style,
    bool defaults = false

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guiscrollbar.h