class ffw::GuiWindow

Class List > ffw :: GuiWindow

Inherits the following classes: ffw::GuiBackend

Inherited by the following classes: ffw::GuiWindowFineGraphics, ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG

Public Functions

Type Name
GuiWindow ()
virtual ~GuiWindow ()
void setSize (float width, float height)
void setPos (float posx, float posy)
const ffw::Pointf & getSize () const
const ffw::Pointf & getPos () const
void setDefaultFont (const GuiFont * font)
const GuiFont * getDefaultFont () const
void injectMousePos (float posx, float posy)
void injectScroll (float posx, float posy)
void injectMouseButton (ffw::MouseButton button, ffw::MouseMode mode)
void injectText (unsigned int chr)
void injectKey (ffw::Key key, ffw::KeyMode mode)
void update ()
void poolEvents ()
void render ()
void redraw ()
void invalidate ()
GuiBody * getLayout ()
const GuiBody * getLayout () const
void pushEvent (std::vector< GuiCallback > & callbacks, GuiEvent e)
void setTheme (const GuiTheme * thm, bool defaults = false)
const GuiTheme * getTheme () const
T * findByID (unsigned long id)
T * findByRef (const std::string & ref)
void addRef (GuiWidget * widget)

Public Functions Documentation

function GuiWindow

ffw::GuiWindow::GuiWindow ()

function ~GuiWindow

virtual ffw::GuiWindow::~GuiWindow ()

function setSize

void ffw::GuiWindow::setSize (
    float width,
    float height

function setPos

void ffw::GuiWindow::setPos (
    float posx,
    float posy

function getSize

const ffw::Pointf & ffw::GuiWindow::getSize () const

function getPos

const ffw::Pointf & ffw::GuiWindow::getPos () const

function setDefaultFont

void ffw::GuiWindow::setDefaultFont (
    const GuiFont * font

function getDefaultFont

const GuiFont * ffw::GuiWindow::getDefaultFont () const

function injectMousePos

void ffw::GuiWindow::injectMousePos (
    float posx,
    float posy

function injectScroll

void ffw::GuiWindow::injectScroll (
    float posx,
    float posy

function injectMouseButton

void ffw::GuiWindow::injectMouseButton (
    ffw::MouseButton button,
    ffw::MouseMode mode

function injectText

void ffw::GuiWindow::injectText (
    unsigned int chr

function injectKey

void ffw::GuiWindow::injectKey (
    ffw::Key key,
    ffw::KeyMode mode

function update

void ffw::GuiWindow::update ()

function poolEvents

void ffw::GuiWindow::poolEvents ()

function render

void ffw::GuiWindow::render ()

function redraw

void ffw::GuiWindow::redraw ()

function invalidate

void ffw::GuiWindow::invalidate ()

function getLayout (1/2)

GuiBody * ffw::GuiWindow::getLayout ()

function getLayout (2/2)

const GuiBody * ffw::GuiWindow::getLayout () const

function pushEvent

void ffw::GuiWindow::pushEvent (
    std::vector< GuiCallback > & callbacks,
    GuiEvent e

function setTheme

void ffw::GuiWindow::setTheme (
    const GuiTheme * thm,
    bool defaults = false

function getTheme

const GuiTheme * ffw::GuiWindow::getTheme () const

function findByID

T * ffw::GuiWindow::findByID (
    unsigned long id

function findByRef

T * ffw::GuiWindow::findByRef (
    const std::string & ref

function addRef

void ffw::GuiWindow::addRef (
    GuiWidget * widget

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guiwindow.h