class ffw::GuiTextInput

Class List > ffw :: GuiTextInput

Create a user input text widget. More...

Inherits the following classes: ffw::GuiWidget

Inherited by the following classes: ffw::GuiScrollableTextInput::Inner


Type Name
struct Line
struct Style

Public Functions

Type Name
GuiTextInput (GuiWindow * context, bool multiline = true, bool editable = true)
virtual ~GuiTextInput () = default
void setValue (const std::string & str)
std::string getValue () const
void appendValue (const std::string & str)
bool setCursorIndex (size_t strOffset, size_t lineNum)
const std::regex & getMatch () const
void setMatch (const std::regex & r)
void setMatch (const std::string & r)
const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Line > > & getLines () const
virtual ffw::Pointf getMinimumWrapSize () override
bool isEmpty () const
void setStyle (const GuiTextInput::Style * style, bool defaults = false)
const Point< size_t > & getCursorIndex () const
const ffw::Pointf & getCursorPos () const
void insertAtCursor (const std::string & str)
void removeAtCursor (bool forward)
void moveCursor (bool forward)
void splitLineAtCursor ()
void resetSelection ()
void moveCursorToEnd ()
void moveCursorToStart ()
void deleteSelection ()
bool hasSelection () const

Detailed Description

Example code below creating a single line widget

auto gui = ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG(nvg);
auto root = gui.getLayout();

auto input = new ffw::GuiTextInput(&gui, false);
input->setSize(ffw::guiPercent(100.0f), ffw::guiPixels(25.0f));
input->setValue("Lorem Ipsum");
auto text = input->getValue(); // Returns "Lorem Ipsum"

// Do not free the created widgets! They will be deleted by the gui window!

    // Render the gui

Example code below creating a multi line widget

auto gui = ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG(nvg);
auto root = gui.getLayout();

auto input = new ffw::GuiTextInput(&gui, true);
input->setSize(ffw::guiPercent(100.0f), ffw::guiPixels(100.0f));
input->setValue("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\nconsectetur adipiscing elit.");
auto text = input->getValue(); // Returns the string above

// Do not free the created widgets! They will be deleted by the gui window!

    // Render the gui

Public Functions Documentation

function GuiTextInput

ffw::GuiTextInput::GuiTextInput (
    GuiWindow * context,
    bool multiline = true,
    bool editable = true

function ~GuiTextInput

virtual ffw::GuiTextInput::~GuiTextInput () = default

function setValue

void ffw::GuiTextInput::setValue (
    const std::string & str

function getValue

std::string ffw::GuiTextInput::getValue () const

function appendValue

void ffw::GuiTextInput::appendValue (
    const std::string & str

function setCursorIndex

bool ffw::GuiTextInput::setCursorIndex (
    size_t strOffset,
    size_t lineNum

function getMatch

const std::regex & ffw::GuiTextInput::getMatch () const

function setMatch (1/2)

void ffw::GuiTextInput::setMatch (
    const std::regex & r

function setMatch (2/2)

void ffw::GuiTextInput::setMatch (
    const std::string & r

function getLines

const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Line > > & ffw::GuiTextInput::getLines () const

function getMinimumWrapSize

virtual ffw::Pointf ffw::GuiTextInput::getMinimumWrapSize ()

Implements GuiWidget::getMinimumWrapSize

function isEmpty

bool ffw::GuiTextInput::isEmpty () const

function setStyle

void ffw::GuiTextInput::setStyle (
    const GuiTextInput::Style * style,
    bool defaults = false

function getCursorIndex (1/2)

const Point< size_t > & ffw::GuiTextInput::getCursorIndex () const

function getCursorPos (1/2)

const ffw::Pointf & ffw::GuiTextInput::getCursorPos () const

function insertAtCursor

void ffw::GuiTextInput::insertAtCursor (
    const std::string & str

function removeAtCursor

void ffw::GuiTextInput::removeAtCursor (
    bool forward

function moveCursor

void ffw::GuiTextInput::moveCursor (
    bool forward

function splitLineAtCursor

void ffw::GuiTextInput::splitLineAtCursor ()

function resetSelection

void ffw::GuiTextInput::resetSelection ()

function moveCursorToEnd

void ffw::GuiTextInput::moveCursorToEnd ()

function moveCursorToStart

void ffw::GuiTextInput::moveCursorToStart ()

function deleteSelection

void ffw::GuiTextInput::deleteSelection ()

function hasSelection

bool ffw::GuiTextInput::hasSelection () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guitextedit.h