class ffw::GuiScrollable

Class List > ffw :: GuiScrollable

Create a scrollable widget. More...

Inherits the following classes: ffw::GuiWidget

Inherited by the following classes: ffw::GuiScrollableLayout, ffw::GuiScrollableTextInput


Type Name
struct Style

Public Functions

Type Name
GuiScrollable (GuiWindow * context, GuiWidget * widget, bool hori, bool vert)
virtual ~GuiScrollable () = default
virtual ffw::Pointf getMinimumWrapSize () override
void setScrollbarThickness (float px)
void setScrollValues (float hori, float vert)
ffw::Pointf getScrollValues () const
float getScrollbarThickness () const
ffw::GuiScrollBar * getVscroll ()
const ffw::GuiScrollBar * getVscroll () const
ffw::GuiScrollBar * getHscroll ()
const ffw::GuiScrollBar * getHscroll () const
void setScrollIncrements (const float inc)
float getScrollIncrements () const
void setStyle (const GuiScrollable::Style * style, bool defaults = false)

Protected Functions

Type Name
ffw::GuiWidget * getInnerAsWidget ()
const ffw::GuiWidget * getInnerAsWidget () const

Detailed Description

This widget accepts any kind of widgets. If the inner widget exceeds the size of the scrollable widget, the scrollbars will enable. Using the scrollbars, the inner widget is moved up or down, or sideways. You can configure which scrollbars are meant to be shown via the constructor. A class ffw::GuiScrollableLayout is available which uses ffw::GuiScrollable with ffw::GuiLayout as the inner widget.

auto gui = ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG(nvg);
auto root = gui.getLayout();

// Creates a verticall layout with a scrollbar on the right.
// 3rd parameter -> bottom scrollbar
// 4th parameter -> right scrollbar
auto scrollable = new ffw::GuiScrollableLayout(&gui, ffw::GuiOrientation::VERTICAL, false, true);
scrollable->setSize(ffw::guiPercent(100.0f), ffw::guiPercent(100.0f));

// Get the inner widget that will be scrolled.
// In this case it's the layout.
auto layout = scrollable->getInner();

const auto goDown = new ffw::GuiButton(&gui, "Click to scroll to 50%");
goDown->addEventCallback([=](ffw::GuiEvent e) {
    // Returns the maximum scroll values.
    // Note that the returned type is ffw::Pointf and the x 
    // component (minimum scrollbar range) is always going to be zero!
    // The y component (maximum scroll range) is what you need.
    const auto max = scrollable->getVscroll()->getRange();

    // Scroll down 50%
    // This only works after gui.update() has been called
    // at least once! The update() function will update 
    // the scrollbars.
    // Therefore we are putting this in a button callback.
    scrollable->getVscroll()->setValue(max.y / 2.0f);
}, ffw::GuiEventType::ACTION);


for (auto i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    const auto button = new ffw::GuiButton(&gui, "Button #" + std::to_string(i));

// Do not free the created widgets! They will be deleted by the gui window!

    // Render the gui

Public Functions Documentation

function GuiScrollable

ffw::GuiScrollable::GuiScrollable (
    GuiWindow * context,
    GuiWidget * widget,
    bool hori,
    bool vert

function ~GuiScrollable

virtual ffw::GuiScrollable::~GuiScrollable () = default

function getMinimumWrapSize

virtual ffw::Pointf ffw::GuiScrollable::getMinimumWrapSize ()

Implements GuiWidget::getMinimumWrapSize

function setScrollbarThickness

void ffw::GuiScrollable::setScrollbarThickness (
    float px

function setScrollValues

void ffw::GuiScrollable::setScrollValues (
    float hori,
    float vert

function getScrollValues

ffw::Pointf ffw::GuiScrollable::getScrollValues () const

function getScrollbarThickness

float ffw::GuiScrollable::getScrollbarThickness () const

function getVscroll (1/2)

ffw::GuiScrollBar * ffw::GuiScrollable::getVscroll ()

function getVscroll (2/2)

const ffw::GuiScrollBar * ffw::GuiScrollable::getVscroll () const

function getHscroll (1/2)

ffw::GuiScrollBar * ffw::GuiScrollable::getHscroll ()

function getHscroll (2/2)

const ffw::GuiScrollBar * ffw::GuiScrollable::getHscroll () const

function setScrollIncrements

void ffw::GuiScrollable::setScrollIncrements (
    const float inc

function getScrollIncrements

float ffw::GuiScrollable::getScrollIncrements () const

function setStyle

void ffw::GuiScrollable::setStyle (
    const GuiScrollable::Style * style,
    bool defaults = false

Protected Functions Documentation

function getInnerAsWidget (1/2)

ffw::GuiWidget * ffw::GuiScrollable::getInnerAsWidget ()

function getInnerAsWidget (2/2)

const ffw::GuiWidget * ffw::GuiScrollable::getInnerAsWidget () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/guiscrollable.h