class ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG

Class List > ffw :: GuiWindowNanoVG

Inherits the following classes: ffw::GuiWindow

Public Functions

Type Name
GuiWindowNanoVG (NVGcontext * ctx)
virtual ~GuiWindowNanoVG ()
void destroy ()
virtual void resize (const int width, const int height) override
virtual void startRender () override
virtual void endRender () override
virtual void setScissors (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::Pointf & size) override const
virtual void clearWithColor (const ffw::Color & color, const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::Pointf & size) override const
virtual void drawRectangle (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::Pointf & size, const ffw::Color & color) override const
virtual void drawRectangleRounded (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::Pointf & size, const ffw::Color & color, const float tl, const float tr, const float br, const float bl) override const
virtual void drawLine (const ffw::Pointf & start, const ffw::Pointf & end, const ffw::Color & color, float width) override const
virtual void drawCircle (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const float radius, const ffw::Color & color) override const
virtual void drawArc (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const float inner, const float outer, const float start, const float end, const ffw::Color & color) override const
virtual void drawQuad (const ffw::Pointf & p0, const ffw::Pointf & p1, const ffw::Pointf & p2, const ffw::Pointf & p3, const ffw::Color & color) override const
virtual void drawString (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::GuiFont * font, const std::string::value_type * str, const size_t length, const ffw::Color & color, const float lineHeight) override const
virtual void drawTriangle (const ffw::Pointf & p0, const ffw::Pointf & p1, const ffw::Pointf & p2, const ffw::Color & color) override const
virtual void drawImage (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::Pointf & size, const GuiImage * image, const ffw::Recti & sub, bool mirrorX, bool mirrorY, const ffw::Color & color) override const
virtual void drawBackground (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::Pointf & size, const ffw::GuiStyle::Background & background, bool ignore) override const
virtual void drawBorder (const ffw::Pointf & pos, const ffw::Pointf & size, const ffw::GuiStyle::Border & border) override const
const NVGLUframebuffer * getFbo () const

Public Functions Documentation

function GuiWindowNanoVG

ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::GuiWindowNanoVG (
    NVGcontext * ctx

function ~GuiWindowNanoVG

virtual ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::~GuiWindowNanoVG ()

function destroy

void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::destroy ()

function resize

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::resize (
    const int width,
    const int height

Implements GuiBackend::resize

function startRender

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::startRender ()

Implements GuiBackend::startRender

function endRender

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::endRender ()

Implements GuiBackend::endRender

function setScissors

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::setScissors (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::Pointf & size
) const

Implements GuiBackend::setScissors

function clearWithColor

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::clearWithColor (
    const ffw::Color & color,
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::Pointf & size
) const

Implements GuiBackend::clearWithColor

function drawRectangle

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawRectangle (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::Pointf & size,
    const ffw::Color & color
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawRectangle

function drawRectangleRounded

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawRectangleRounded (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::Pointf & size,
    const ffw::Color & color,
    const float tl,
    const float tr,
    const float br,
    const float bl
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawRectangleRounded

function drawLine

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawLine (
    const ffw::Pointf & start,
    const ffw::Pointf & end,
    const ffw::Color & color,
    float width
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawLine

function drawCircle

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawCircle (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const float radius,
    const ffw::Color & color
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawCircle

function drawArc

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawArc (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const float inner,
    const float outer,
    const float start,
    const float end,
    const ffw::Color & color
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawArc

function drawQuad

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawQuad (
    const ffw::Pointf & p0,
    const ffw::Pointf & p1,
    const ffw::Pointf & p2,
    const ffw::Pointf & p3,
    const ffw::Color & color
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawQuad

function drawString

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawString (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::GuiFont * font,
    const std::string::value_type * str,
    const size_t length,
    const ffw::Color & color,
    const float lineHeight
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawString

function drawTriangle

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawTriangle (
    const ffw::Pointf & p0,
    const ffw::Pointf & p1,
    const ffw::Pointf & p2,
    const ffw::Color & color
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawTriangle

function drawImage

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawImage (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::Pointf & size,
    const GuiImage * image,
    const ffw::Recti & sub,
    bool mirrorX,
    bool mirrorY,
    const ffw::Color & color
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawImage

function drawBackground

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawBackground (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::Pointf & size,
    const ffw::GuiStyle::Background & background,
    bool ignore
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawBackground

function drawBorder

virtual void ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::drawBorder (
    const ffw::Pointf & pos,
    const ffw::Pointf & size,
    const ffw::GuiStyle::Border & border
) const

Implements GuiBackend::drawBorder

function getFbo

const NVGLUframebuffer * ffw::GuiWindowNanoVG::getFbo () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: include/ffw/gui/backend/guibackendnanovg.h